The use of "The" article

Definite Article (THE)

Fri Dec 8, 2023

The use of "the" article in seven situations.

The use of the article is compulsory in the following cases.

1. The is used before superlative degree of adjective. 

For instance, 

  • Sita is the most beautiful girl in the world. 
  • France attracted the highest number of tourists.
  • Fish is the least consumed food in Punjab.

2. The is used before positions. 

For instance, 

  • Ram won the first prize in his class test.
  • Sham receive the second prize.
  • John received the last position.

3. The is used before the words - given, provided, next, same, following.

for instance, 

  • The value of the exported goods to Canada increased in the given 5 years
  • Ram has bought the same watch which Sham has.
  • He was mislead by the provided information.
  • The value of the product changed in the next five years.
  • in the following step, the leather was dried.

4. The is used after the words - both and all.

for instance,

  • Both the values dropped in the following year.
  • All the valued witnessed a significant fall in the following decade.

5. The is used before and after the preposition "of" if followed and preceded by a noun. (also known as prepositional phrase)

For instance, 

  • The price of the vegetables is increasing.
  • The proportion of the internet users surged in Canada from 20% in 2005 to 70% in 2010.
  • There is a dramatic fall in the number of the people visiting London museum.
  • Traffic lights are installed in the center of the roundabout.

6. The is used before Cardinal points: North, South, East, West, South-east, South-east, North-west and North-east.

  • The market is located to the north of the Hospital.
  • The cafe is set up in the east.

7. The is used before the directions: left, right. 

  • The car park is located to the left of the hospital.
  • To the right of the market, there is a ground.

Surjit Sir